“Laxmi Charitable Trust” has established Matoshree Old Age Home in January 2019 at Jawali, in a very natural and peaceful environment. Trust is working under the strict norms of Maharashtra State Government.
We believe that among all the phases that we go through in our life the old age phase is the most sensitive one. At this age they expect affection, love, understanding and comforting help in their day to day life. They need people around them of same age group where they won’t feel different.
Matoshree Old Age Home has twisted all the branches of a tree and shaped this facility to fulfill these needs by providing happy and healthy environment. The nature based Old Age Home is full of trees, flower plants, fruits and vegetable plantation which keeps it calm and peaceful all the time.
We provide shelter to the destitute, needful, mentally emotionally or physically drained and to anyone who wants to stay willingly in this Home.
We have certain responsibilities for this society, in fact it is our duty to perform acts for social cause. We have taken a step and we are moving forward. We invite you to join us in this beautiful journey.
Name :- Vinod (Dada) Sakharam Parte
Born :- 17 December 1985
Nationality :- Indian
Address :- GondeMal Dist.Jawali, District Satara, Post-Mhate Budruk
Education :- Graduate in Commerce
Name :- Vinod (Dada) Sakharam Parte
Born :- 17 December 1985
Nationality :- Indian
Address :- GondeMal Dist.Jawali, District Satara, Post-Mhate Budruk
Education :- Graduate in Commerce
“Laxmi Charitable Trust” has established Matoshree Old Age Home in January 2019 at Jawali, in a very natural and peaceful environment. Trust is working under the strict norms of Maharashtra State Government.
We believe that among all the phases that we go through in our life the old age phase is the most sensitive one. At this age they expect affection, love, understanding and comforting help in their day to day life. They need people around them of same age group where they won’t feel different.
Matoshree Old Age Home has twisted all the branches of a tree and shaped this facility to fulfill these needs by providing happy and healthy environment. The nature based Old Age Home is full of trees, flower plants, fruits and vegetable plantation which keeps it calm and peaceful all the time.
We provide shelter to the destitute, needful, mentally emotionally or physically drained and to anyone who wants to stay willingly in this Home.
We have certain responsibilities for this society, in fact it is our duty to perform acts for social cause. We have taken a step and we are moving forward. We invite you to join us in this beautiful journey.
” लक्ष्मी चॅरिटेबल ट्रस्ट ” या समाज सेवा संस्थेने जानेवारी 2019 पासुन महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या मान्यतेने जावळी येथे मेढा या ठिकानी निसर्ग रम्य अशा जागी मातोश्री वृद्धा आश्रमाचे काम सुरु केले आहे.मानसाच्या आयुष्यातील वृद्धत्वाचा
काळ हा आतिश्य संवेदनशील आस्तो. अशावेळी आपुलकी , प्रेम ,जिव्हाळा व मदत याचीच गरज असते , म्हणूनच समवयस्क मंडळींच्या सहवासात राहून पुढील आयुष्य समाधानात जाण्यासाठी मातोश्री वृद्धाश्रम आहे
हा वृद्धाश्रम वृक्षांनी , फुलझाडे , फळ झाडांनी भरलेला आहे . निराधार गरजू , मानसिक व शारिरिक रित्या खचलेले स्वतःच्या इच्छेने येणाऱ्या स्त्री-पुरुषांसाठी निवाराचे व आनंदाचे सर्व सोयींनी युक्त असे एकत्र कुटुंबाचे हक्काचे मोठे घर होत आहे . आपण समाजाचे काही देणे लागतो , किंबहुना ते आपले कर्तव्य आहे . या कर्तव्याला जागुया मदतीचा हात देऊया…
हा वृद्धाश्रम वृक्षांनी , फुलझाडे , फळ झाडांनी भरलेला आहे . निराधार गरजू , मानसिक व शारिरिक रित्या खचलेले स्वतःच्या इच्छेने येणाऱ्या स्त्री-पुरुषांसाठी निवाराचे व आनंदाचे सर्व सोयींनी युक्त असे एकत्र कुटुंबाचे हक्काचे मोठे घर होत आहे . आपण समाजाचे काही देणे लागतो , किंबहुना ते आपले कर्तव्य आहे . या कर्तव्याला जागुया मदतीचा हात देऊया…..
आहे.मानसाच्या आयुष्यातील वृद्धत्वाचा
काळ हा आतिश्य संवेदनशील आस्तो. अशावेळी आपुलकी , प्रेम ,जिव्हाळा व मदत याचीच गरज असते , म्हणूनच समवयस्क मंडळींच्या सहवासात राहून पुढील आयुष्य समाधानात जाण्यासाठी मातोश्री वृ